System Requirements

ForthForm has been tested on Windows 98/ME/2K/XP but should run on any OS that Win32Forth runs on.

Since version 2 ForthForm has been included with Win32Forth releases. As such all required files are included with each distribution.
Included would be the Html help files and any Dlls necessary for proper operation.
Source files are also included so that you can modify the system (if you want to ) and then recompile it from scratch. Use the setup file included with the Win32Forth distribution to recompile.

Note these optional files:
ForthForm.cfg - configuration file, easily created containing commands for configuring ForthForm. Commands include,
* SetBackGroundImage <filename> \ change wallpaper if supported
* BLACK to BackGroundColor \ change background color
Any other Forth commands, e.g. set the name of the editor
FreeImage.dll - required dll for image support. Can be obtained from here or it is included with Win32Forth release 6.11.xx and later.

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